I'm currently a math PhD candidate at Princeton University, primarily interested in graph theory/discrete math. Currently, I am also interested in automated proof methods. My advisor is Maria Chudvnosky.
I graduated from Princeton in 2023 with an AB degree in math and a certificate in applications of computing. My senior thesis was "On Hadwiger's Conjecture with Independence Number 2," which corresponds to paper 9 below, plus some currently unsubmitted work, and my junior paper was "Various Variants of Wythoff Nim," paper 8. For these research projects I earned the Middleton Miller '29 Prize in 2023.
Email, if you want to contact me: dc65@princeton.edu.
12. "Pathographs and some (un)decidability results" (with M. Chudnovsky and N. Trotignon), in preparation.
11. "On the joint embedding property for cographs and trees," arXiv:2409.06127.
10. "On the Diameter of Finite Sidon Sets" (with Z. Hunter and K. O'Bryant), arXiv:2310.20032, accepted for publication in Acta Hungarica Mathematica.
9. "Hadwiger's Conjecture with Certain Forbidden Induced Subgraphs," arXiv:2211.00259, submitted.
8. "Various Variants of Wythoff Nim," manuscript, 2022.
7. "An Elementary Proof of the Signature of Satellite Knots," arXiv:2203.03217.
6. "An Atomic Viewpoint of the TP Completion Problem" (with C. Johnson), Linear Algebra and its Applications vol. 693, 2024 (link), arXiv:2203.04484.
5. "The Totally Positive Completion Problem: The 3-by-n Case" (with K. DiMarco, C. Johnson, L. Wedemeyer, and Z. Yu), Special Matrices vol. 9, 2021 (link).
4. "The Complexity of Checking Partial Total Positivity" (with C. Johnson), arXiv:2103.08742.
3. "Metropolized Multiscale Forest Recombination for Redistricting" (with E. Autry, G. Herschlag, Z. Hunter, and J. Mattingly), Multiscale Modeling & Simulation vol 19 no 4, 2021 (link). In arXiv as "Multi-Scale Merge-Split Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Redistricting," arXiv:2008.08054.
2. "Metropolized Forest Recombination for Monte Carlo Sampling of Graph Partitions" (with E. Autry, G. Herschlag, Z. Hunter, and J. Mattingly), SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics vol 83 no 4, 2023 (link), arXiv:1911.01503.
1. "Optimal Legislative County Clustering in North Carolina" (with Z. Hunter, D. Teague, G. Herschlag, and J. Mattingly), Statistics and Public Policy vol. 7, 2020 (link), arXiv:1908.11801.
1. "An Atomic Viewpoint of the Totally Positive Completion Problem" at the 24th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society, 2022.
4. "Wythoff nim and greedy queens," Graduate Student Seminar, Princeton, (upcoming).
3. "Automata theory methods in discrete math," Combinatorics Learning Seminar, Princeton, 2024.
2. "You could have invented flag algebras," Combinatorics Learning Seminar, Princeton, 2024.
1. "On the Diameter of Finite Sidon Sets," Combinatorics Learning Seminar, Princeton, 2023.
I was president of the Princeton Juggling Club from spring 2021 to spring 2022. Shows that I have been in:
'23-'24: Avatar: The Last Ring Juggler.
'22-'23: Alice in Juggle-land.
'21-'22: Romeo and Juggliette.
I gave a soft talk on the mathematics of juggling in early 2022, which you can watch online here. Please check it out!
I am a member of Sympoh Urban Arts Crew, Princeton's breakdancing group, and a choreographer since spring 2023. Shows that I have been in:
'23-'24: Heartbreakers (I choreographed the piece starting around 1:59:00).
'22-'23: Beat Kill.
I was an occasional problem writer for the Princeton University Mathematics Competition from 2021-2023.
This page was last updated on 9/22/24.